In this report, a method for estimating pulse power performance according to pulse duration\nis proposed. This approach can be used for power control logic in an environmentally friendly power\ngeneration system such as electric vehicles and an energy storage system (ESS). Although there have\nbeen studies on pulse power capability, we are unaware of any publications on the estimation of the\nmagnitude of pulse power according to the power usage time, and the verification of the estimation\nresult. Therefore, we propose a method to predict power performance according to the pulse duration\nof batteries and supercapacitors that are used in eco-friendly power generation systems. The proposed\nmethod is systematically presented using both a lithium-ion battery module with a nominal voltage\nof 44 V, 11 Ah, and a supercapacitor module with a maximum voltage of 36 V and a capacitance of\n30 F.